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Generate Terms & Conditions for websites

Creating a Terms & Conditions for your application or website can take a lot of time. You could either spend tons of money on hiring a lawyer, or you could simply use our service and get a unique Terms & Conditions fully custumized to your website.

You can also generate your Terms & Conditions for website templates like:

For any app you are developing you will need a Terms & Conditions to launch it. Termify can help you generate the best for the case and get your app ready for review.

Generate Terms & Conditions for Facebook pages & apps

Many platforms like facebook are requiring users that are submitting their official apps to submit a Terms & Conditions even if you are not collecting any data from your users. Generate your Terms & Conditions and get your unique link to submit to those platforms.

Generate Terms & Conditions for websites

Creating a Terms & Conditions for your application or website can take a lot of time. You could either spend tons of money on hiring a lawyer, or you could simply use our service and get a unique Terms & Conditions fully custumized to your website.

You can also generate your Terms & Conditions for website templates like:

Generate Terms & Conditions for mobile & desktop apps

For any app you are developing you will need a Terms & Conditions to launch it. Termify can help you generate the best for the case and get your app ready for review.

Generate Terms & Conditions for Facebook pages & apps

Many platforms like facebook are requiring users that are submitting their official apps to submit a Terms & Conditions even if you are not collecting any data from your users. Generate your Terms & Conditions and get your unique link to submit to those platforms.